Participating in an appeal hearing is your opportunity to provide your thoughts and views on a proposed development or subdivision to a decision maker. The SDAB sets out an agenda and uses procedures to ensure that all who wish to speak to a topic are given a fair opportunity to do so and in a respectful manner.
The following pointers may assist you:
- Each appeal is considered on its own merits and the SDAB is not bound by precedent for any similar decisions
- Be prepared to state your views clearly and concisely using written materials and supporting information as needed
- Focus on relevant planning matters such as the impact on the use, enjoyment and value of property (see discussion below)
- Avoid discussion of irrelevant matters that the SDAB will not consider (see discussion below)
- Make your presentation and address your questions to the SDAB Chair and panel members when the Chair recognizes you and indicates it is your turn to speak
- Be prepared to answer questions about your presentation and to ask questions of clarification of the other parties in the appeal (you do not get to cross examine them)
- Questions about procedure before the start of the hearing can be directed to the Clerk of the SDAB (they will not review your presentation or materials with you)
- Avoid contacting members of the SDAB about the appeal as they are not allowed to discuss appeals and may be disqualified from participating in the hearing if there is a potential for bias
Relevant Planning Matters and Irrelevant Matters
Examples of relevant planning matters that are within the ability of the SDAB to consider include:
- Lack of compliance with the requirements of the Land Use Bylaw
- Appropriateness of the site for the proposed use
- Impact on parking
- Impact on traffic and movement
- Visual appearance
- Impact on privacy
- Creation of shadows or blocking of access to sunlight
- Creation of noise, odour, dust, light glare
Examples of irrelevant matters that are not considerations for the SDAB include:
- Precedence or decisions made in other cases
- Competition between businesses
- The character of the applicant, appellant or any other person or organization
- Financial impacts on the applicant or the financial status of the applicant
- Characteristics of the future users or occupiers of the development
- Tenure status such as rented, owned fee simple, or condominium